Kingsway Building Updates
Kingsway Christian Church
Building Renovation Update
August 18, 2024
Building Renovation Update
August 18, 2024
The Great Commission of Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20 inspires Kingsway’s mission. Our desire is to “share the HOPE of JESUS with the world one person at a time.” Kingsway longs to be a growing church that distributes
hope to lost people here in Omaha and around the world. We are committed to give our lives to this mission until He returns.
We live our mission by creating … a pathway to CONNECT with Jesus and each other, a pathway to GROW in grace and truth, a pathway to SERVE each other and our neighbors with the love and resources God has provided to us, and finally a pathway to MULTIPLY new believers, kingdom workers, and leaders to advance the message and mission of Jesus.
The purpose for the building renovation is to update the entire building to be more hospitable and easy for new visitors, create an inviting and energizing space for family, youth and kids ministry, and allow for more flexibility in how we use the main level sanctuary space. At the same time, we will assure renovations will account for current fire, safety, and ADA compliance standards.
The following phased construction renovation approach is far lower cost than the estimated $7M to $8M dollars required to build a new facility or renovate an existing space of same size. In addition, it allows us to take these steps of faith as dollars are made available and continue to use the building throughout the duration of the renovations. We are not taking loans to complete this work.
As of early August, 64% of the dollars needed for phase one have been given by our church family. Based upon pledges made with the Magnify the Light campaign, we expect to have Phase 1 fully funded sometime in 2025. As we complete each phase of the project, the Elders have directed that the annual Fall Harvest Offering in November go 100% for the funding of the desired building improvements.
Phase 1: Basement Level Renovation and Preparation for First Level Renovation, $1.3M
A. The renovation of the basement will provide a long overdue update to the Youth Ministry spaces that serve families and future church members. At the same time, this renovation will include 1) the first phase of the fire sprinkler system and 2) strengthening the first floor for the moveable seating in the sanctuary and the
proposed first floor kitchen while the basement ceiling is removed during the renovation.
B. The restrooms in the basement will be handicapped accessible.
C. We expect improving the life safety for the basement prior to constructing the new entry or renovating the sanctuary will help get the approval for phased construction from the city code officials.

Phase 2: New Entry with Elevator, $1.6M
A. The elevator will provide access to all floors of the building, a welcome addition for all and necessary for many members. The building will be able to better serve our congregation and be more welcoming to visitors with accessibility challenges.
B. The new entry will provide a common and distinct entry for the building. The entry will improve the circulation among the three floors.
C. The new entry will provide an opportunity for greater visibility along Pacific Street.

Phase 3: Sanctuary and First Floor Renovation, $1.2M
A. Members and visitors will enter the sanctuary from the back of the space rather than in front of worshipers.
B. The sanctuary seating will be flexible, allowing for arrangements other than rows (pews).
C. The first floor kitchen will serve large and small events allowing the Youth Ministry spaces in the basement to remain available for their intended purpose.

Next Steps
Pray for the building team, the general contractor, and the men and women who will be working on the renovation.
Pray for the building team, the general contractor, and the men and women who will be working on the renovation.
Grow in grace, kindness, creativity, and flexibility as we continue to do ministry around the renovations.
Even though some things may seem a little disrupted, invite friends to church services, and activities. Young families will be excited to see the improvements to the space devoted to training children to follow Jesus.
If you would like to contribute to the completion of phase 1, you may mark your check as Magnify The Light (MTL) Building fund, Phase 1, or contribute via the link provided.