Welcome to Kingsway Omaha!

We exist to share the HOPE of JESUS with our world,
one person at a time.
We are so excited that you decided to check us out and
we want you to know a few things before you come in the door!
Sunday Service – 10AM
What should I wear? Come as you are! You can dress to the nines and show us your best…or you can come in jeans and a sweatshirt. We are relaxed, and all we care about is that you are comfortable and feel welcome.
Where do I park? The parking lot is located on the west side of the building. There are reserved newcomer spots directly to the left as you enter, by the trees along the street. We also have plenty of handicapped parking and spots for parents of nursery aged children.
Which door do I use? You can use either entrance – North by Pacific street, or the doors closest to you on the South side. If you have children 5th grade and under, the kids entrance and check in area is located on the North side of the building. You can get there by entering either side.
Where do I go when I enter the building? If you enter the South side, you will go directly to your right into the foyer. The Worship Center is to the right. We have greeters to help guide you to where you need to be. If you come in the North side by the kids check in area, the Worship Center is right there when you walk in. There will also be a greeter there for you to help you navigate the building and the kids area.
Do I need to come early? If you have kids that you want to put into the Kingsway Kids program, we suggest you coming at least 10 minutes ahead to get them checked in and we can give you a mini tour of the kids area.
What if I’m late? Come in anyway! There is no judgement here and we have a team at both entrances to help show you around to make your first visit comfortable.
Is there coffee? YES! Come to the back of the Worship Center for complimentary coffee or tea, and donuts!
How long is the service? Service starts at 10AM. Typically our service runs about an hour and 15 minutes. This may change based on guest speakers and special music.
What do I do with my kids during service? Kids are always welcome in the Worship Center to sit together as a family. However, we do offer a kids program downstairs during the morning worship service. Click on the Kingsway Kids link above for more information.
I’m a nursing mom-do you have facilities for me to use? YES! We offer a nursing mothers, or cry room, attached to the nursery. You are welcome to use it any time you need.
Are you involved in the community? Kingsway supports several organizations in the Omaha area including: Open Door Mission, Empty Tomb, Food Bank for the Heartland, For God’s Children International (Camp of the Good Shepherd), Christian Student Fellowship on the UNO campus, Deaf Missions, Immersion Spanish, and others.
For more information, contact the church office at (402) 333-2231 or office@kingswayomaha.org