Sharing the hope of Jesus with the world,
one person at a time.
In-Person and Online
Sundays @ 10AM
Kingsway Kids Sundays at 10AM
Kingsway Students Wednesdays at 6PM
139th and Pacific in Omaha

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12 Week Sermon Series

Starts February 2nd

The natural response to the Fatal Attractions that have so disrupted our life, is to ask God for the discernment, discipline, and new appetite for the things that God has revealed that lead to life. In fact, this is a pursuit that will consume your mind for the rest of your life.

There is a pathway to LIFE!
Over the next 12 weeks we will look at different spiritual disciplines and challenge ourselves to do more than merely fill our days with hobbies, but practice disciplines that form us into Christlikeness. These disciplines might seem burdensome, like they take more from our life than they give, but the truth is that they are both freeing and life giving.